Meridional Circulation driven by Planetary Spiral Wakes in Radiative and Magnetized Protoplanetary Discs

Autor: Cilibrasi, Marco, Flock, Mario, Szulágyi, Judit
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad1477
Popis: We study a Jupiter-mass planet formation for the first time in radiative magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) simulations and compare it with pure hydrodynamical simulations, as well as to different isothermal configurations. We found that the meridional circulation is the same in every setup. The planetary spiral wakes drive a vertical stirring inside the protoplanetary disc and the encounter with these shock fronts also helps in delivering gas vertically onto the Hill-sphere. The accretion dynamics are unchanged: the planet accretes vertically, and there is outflow in the midplane regions inside the Hill-sphere. We determined the effective $\alpha$-viscosity generated in the disc by the various angular momentum loss mechanisms, which showed that magnetic fields produce high turbulence in the ideal MHD limit, that grows from $\alpha \sim 10^{-2.5}$ up to $\sim 10^{-1.5}$ after the planet spirals develop. In the HD simulations, the planetary spirals contribute to $\alpha \sim 10^{-3}$, making this a very important angular momentum transport mechanism. Due to the various $\alpha$ values in the different setups, the gap opening is different in each case. In the radiative MHD setups, the high turbulent viscosity prevents gap opening, leading to a higher Hill mass, and no clear dust trapping regions. While the Hill accretion rate is $10^{-6} \rm{M_{Jup}/yr}$ in all setups, the accretion variability is orders of magnitude higher in radiative runs than in isothermal ones. Finally, with higher-resolution runs, the magneto-rotational instability started to be resolved, changing the effective viscosity and increasing the heating in the disc.
Databáze: arXiv