Distribution-Flexible Subset Quantization for Post-Quantizing Super-Resolution Networks

Autor: Zhong, Yunshan, Lin, Mingbao, Xie, Jingjing, Zhang, Yuxin, Chao, Fei, Ji, Rongrong
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This paper introduces Distribution-Flexible Subset Quantization (DFSQ), a post-training quantization method for super-resolution networks. Our motivation for developing DFSQ is based on the distinctive activation distributions of current super-resolution models, which exhibit significant variance across samples and channels. To address this issue, DFSQ conducts channel-wise normalization of the activations and applies distribution-flexible subset quantization (SQ), wherein the quantization points are selected from a universal set consisting of multi-word additive log-scale values. To expedite the selection of quantization points in SQ, we propose a fast quantization points selection strategy that uses K-means clustering to select the quantization points closest to the centroids. Compared to the common iterative exhaustive search algorithm, our strategy avoids the enumeration of all possible combinations in the universal set, reducing the time complexity from exponential to linear. Consequently, the constraint of time costs on the size of the universal set is greatly relaxed. Extensive evaluations of various super-resolution models show that DFSQ effectively retains performance even without fine-tuning. For example, when quantizing EDSRx2 on the Urban benchmark, DFSQ achieves comparable performance to full-precision counterparts on 6- and 8-bit quantization, and incurs only a 0.1 dB PSNR drop on 4-bit quantization. Code is at \url{https://github.com/zysxmu/DFSQ}
Databáze: arXiv