An Artificial Neural Network-based Density Functional Approach for Adiabatic Energy Differences in Transition Metal Complexes

Autor: de Mendonca, Joao Paulo Almeida, Mariano, Lorenzo A., Devijver, Emilie, Jakse, Noel, Poloni, Roberta
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: During the past decades, approximate Kohn-Sham density-functional theory schemes garnered many successes in computational chemistry and physics; yet the performance in the prediction of spin state energetics is often unsatisfactory. By means of a machine-learning approach, an enhanced exchange and correlation functional is developed to describe adiabatic energy differences in transition metal complexes. The functional is based on the computationally efficient revision of the regularized strongly constrained and appropriately normed (R2SCAN) functional and improved by an artificial neural-network correction trained over a small dataset of electronic densities, atomization energies and/or spin state energetics. The training process, performed using a bio-inspired non gradient-based approach adapted for this work from Particle Swarm Optimization, is discussed in detail. The meta-GGA functional is finally shown to outperform most known density functionals in the prediction of adiabatic energy differences for both the validation test and the generality test.
Databáze: arXiv