Inaccurate Label Distribution Learning

Autor: Kou, Zhiqiang, Jia, Yuheng, Wang, Jing, Geng, Xin
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Label distribution learning (LDL) trains a model to predict the relevance of a set of labels (called label distribution (LD)) to an instance. The previous LDL methods all assumed the LDs of the training instances are accurate. However, annotating highly accurate LDs for training instances is time-consuming and very expensive, and in reality the collected LD is usually inaccurate and disturbed by annotating errors. For the first time, this paper investigates the problem of inaccurate LDL, i.e., developing an LDL model with noisy LDs. We assume that the noisy LD matrix is a linear combination of an ideal LD matrix and a sparse noise matrix. Consequently, the problem of inaccurate LDL becomes an inverse problem, where the objective is to recover the ideal LD and noise matrices from the noisy LDs. We hypothesize that the ideal LD matrix is low-rank due to the correlation of labels and utilize the local geometric structure of instances captured by a graph to assist in recovering the ideal LD. This is based on the premise that similar instances are likely to share the same LD. The proposed model is finally formulated as a graph-regularized low-rank and sparse decomposition problem and numerically solved by the alternating direction method of multipliers. Furthermore, a specialized objective function is utilized to induce a LD predictive model in LDL, taking into account the recovered label distributions. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple datasets from various real-world tasks effectively demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach. \end{abstract}
Databáze: arXiv