Manifolds with trivial Chern classes II: Manifolds Isogenous to a Torus Product, coframed Manifolds and a question by Baldassarri

Autor: Catanese, Fabrizio
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Motivated by a general question addressed by Mario Baldassarri in 1956, we discuss characterizations of the Pseudo-Abelian Varieties introduced by Roth, and we introduce a first new notion, of Manifolds Isogenous to a k-Torus Product: the latter have the last k Chern classes trivial in rational cohomology and vanishing Chern numbers. We show that in dimension 2 the latter class is the correct substitute for some incorrect assertions by Enriques, Dantoni, Roth and Baldassarri: these are the surfaces with $K_X$ nef and $c_2(X)=0 \in H^4(X, \mathbb{Z})$. We observe in the last section, using a construction by Chad Schoen, that such a simple similar picture does not hold in higher dimension. We discuss then, as a class of solutions to Baldassarri's question, manifolds isogenous to projective (respectively: K\"ahler) manifolds whose tangent bundle or whose cotangent bundle has a trivial subbundle of positive rank. We see that the class of `partially framed' projective manifolds (that is, whose tangent bundle has a trivial subbundle) consists, in the case where $K_X$ is nef, of the Pseudo-Abelian varieties of Roth; while the class of `partially co-framed' projective manifolds is not yet fully understood in spite of the new results that we are able to show here: and we formulate some open questions and conjectures. In the course of the paper we address also the case of more general compact complex Manifolds, introducing the new notions of suspensions over parallelizable Manifolds, of twisted hyperelliptic Manifolds, and we describe the known results under the K\"ahler assumption.
Comment: 31 pages, the revised II Part contains new results, in particular a much stronger Theorem 1.5; it treats also the non K\"ahler case. Misprint in the introduction removed. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.02646
Databáze: arXiv