ARiADNE: A Reinforcement learning approach using Attention-based Deep Networks for Exploration

Autor: Cao, Yuhong, Hou, Tianxiang, Wang, Yizhuo, Yi, Xian, Sartoretti, Guillaume
Rok vydání: 2023
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: In autonomous robot exploration tasks, a mobile robot needs to actively explore and map an unknown environment as fast as possible. Since the environment is being revealed during exploration, the robot needs to frequently re-plan its path online, as new information is acquired by onboard sensors and used to update its partial map. While state-of-the-art exploration planners are frontier- and sampling-based, encouraged by the recent development in deep reinforcement learning (DRL), we propose ARiADNE, an attention-based neural approach to obtain real-time, non-myopic path planning for autonomous exploration. ARiADNE is able to learn dependencies at multiple spatial scales between areas of the agent's partial map, and implicitly predict potential gains associated with exploring those areas. This allows the agent to sequence movement actions that balance the natural trade-off between exploitation/refinement of the map in known areas and exploration of new areas. We experimentally demonstrate that our method outperforms both learning and non-learning state-of-the-art baselines in terms of average trajectory length to complete exploration in hundreds of simplified 2D indoor scenarios. We further validate our approach in high-fidelity Robot Operating System (ROS) simulations, where we consider a real sensor model and a realistic low-level motion controller, toward deployment on real robots.
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Databáze: arXiv