Edges fractal approach in graphene -- Defects density gain

Autor: Janowska, I., Lafjah, M., Papaefthymiou, V., Pronkin, S., Ulhaq-Bouillet, C.
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Carbon, 2017, 123, pp.395-401
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.07.077
Popis: Edges fractal approach in graphene e Defects density gain a b s t r a c t To optimize the technological development together with energy gain, the crucial materials needs to be tailored in a smart way to benefit a maximum from the property-structure relation. Herein we propose the way to increase a defect density in graphene moving from 1D linear edges to fractal edges, also highlight the fractal nature of graphene structures them-self. The tentative oxidation and hydrogenation catalytic etching of few layer graphene results in structures with edges fractals, jaggy edges at graphene periphery or in newly formed etched holes.
Databáze: arXiv