On Integer Optimal Control with Total Variation Regularization on Multi-dimensional Domains

Autor: Manns, Paul, Schiemann, Annika
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We consider optimal control problems with integer-valued controls and a total variation regularization penalty in the objective on domains of dimension two or higher. The penalty yields that the feasible set is sequentially closed in the weak-$^*$ and closed in the strict topology in the space of functions of bounded variation. In turn, we derive first-order optimality conditions of the optimal control problem as well as trust-region subproblems with partially linearized model functions using local variations of the level sets of the feasible control functions. We also prove that a recently proposed function space trust-region algorithm -- sequential linear integer programming -- produces sequences of iterates whose limits are first-order optimal points.
Comment: 25 pages
Databáze: arXiv