Phonons of electronic crystals in two-dimensional semiconductor moir\'e patterns

Autor: Yu, Hongyi, Zhou, Jiyong
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Nat Sci. 2023;e20220065
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1002/ntls.20220065
Popis: We theoretically studied the phonon properties of the triangular-, stripe- and honeycomb-type electronic crystals recently found in two-dimensional semiconductor moir\'e patterns. By analyzing the phonon dispersions, we found the interaction induced lattice deformation in the zigzag-stripe crystal results in a much higher dynamical stability than in the linear-stripe crystal. Moreover, chiral phonons with finite magnetizations and large Berry curvatures can emerge in triangular and honeycomb crystals under time-reversal or inversion symmetry breaking. The small effective mass of the electrons allows the selective and efficient generation of chiral phonons from the optical activity of zone-center phonons combined with the anharmonicity, facilitating the realization of the phonon Hall effect. These findings point to an exciting new platform for exploring chiral phonons and the related topological phononic devices.
Databáze: arXiv