1.5D NLTE spectral synthesis of a 3D filament/prominence simulation

Autor: Jenkins, J. M., Osborne, C. M. J., Keppens, R.
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: A&A 670, A179 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202244868
Popis: Aims. We here demonstrate how the recently developed Lightweaver framework makes non-LTE (NLTE) spectral synthesis feasible on a new 3D ab-initio magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) filament/prominence simulation, in a post-processing step. Methods. We clarify the need to introduce filament/prominent-specific Lightweaver boundary conditions that accurately model incident chromospheric radiation, and include a self-consistent and smoothly varying limb darkening function. Results. Progressing from isothermal/isobaric models to the self-consistently generated stratifications within a fully 3D MHD filament/prominence simulation, we find excellent agreement between our 1.5D non local thermodynamic equilibrium Lightweaver synthesis and a popular Hydrogen H{\alpha} proxy. We compute additional lines including Ca~\textsc{ii} 8542 alongside the more optically-thick Ca~\textsc{ii} H&K & Mg~\textsc{ii} h&k lines, for which no comparable proxy exists, and explore their formation properties within filament/prominence atmospheres. Conclusions. The versatility of the Lightweaver framework is demonstrated with this extension to 1.5D filament/prominence models, where each vertical column of the instantaneous 3D MHD state is spectrally analysed separately, without accounting for (important) multi-dimensional radiative effects. The general agreement found in the line core contrast of both observations and the Lightweaver-synthesised simulation further validates the current generation of solar filaments/prominences models constructed numerically with MPI-AMRVAC.
Comment: 16+2 pages with appendix, 12+1 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Databáze: arXiv