A note on knot fertility II

Autor: Ito, Tetsuya
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Acta Math. Hungar.169(2023), no.2, 553-561
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/s10474-023-01317-7
Popis: A knot $K$ is called $(m,n)$-fertile if for every prime knot $K'$ whose crossing number is less than or equal to $m$, there exists an $n$-crossing diagram of $K$ such that one can get $K'$ from the diagram by changing its over-under information. We give an obstruction for knot to be $(m,n)$-fertile. As application, we prove the finiteness of $(c(K)+f,c(K)+p)$-fertile knots for all $f,p$. We also discuss the nubmer of Seiefrt circle and writhe of minimum crossing diagrams.
Comment: 7 pages, no Figures
Databáze: arXiv