Computing maximal generalized palindromes

Autor: Funakoshi, Mitsuru, Mieno, Takuya, Nakashima, Yuto, Inenaga, Shunsuke, Bannai, Hideo, Takeda, Masayuki
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Palindromes are popular and important objects in textual data processing, bioinformatics, and combinatorics on words. Let $S = XaY$ be a string, where $X$ and $Y$ are of the same length and $a$ is either a single character or the empty string. Then, there exist two alternative definitions for palindromes: $S$ is said to be a palindrome if: Reversal-based definition: $S$ is equal to its reversal $S^R$; Symmetry-based definition: its left-arm $X$ is equal to the reversal of its right-arm $Y^R$. It is clear that if the "equality" ($\approx$) used in both definitions is exact character matching ($=$), then the two definitions are the same. However, if we apply other string-equality criteria $\approx$, including the complementary model for biological sequences, the parameterized model [Baker, JCSS 1996], the order-preserving model [Kim et al., TCS 2014], the Cartesian-tree model [Park et al., TCS 2020], and the palindromic-structure model [I et al., TCS 2013], then are the reversal-based palindromes and the symmetry-based palindromes the same? To the best of our knowledge, no previous work has considered or answered this natural question. In this paper, we first provide answers to this question, and then present efficient algorithms for computing all maximal generalized palindromes that occur in a given string. After confirming that Gusfield's offline suffix-tree based algorithm for computing maximal symmetry-based palindromes can be readily extended to the aforementioned matching models, we show how to extend Manacher's online algorithm for computing maximal reversal-based palindromes in linear time for all the aforementioned matching models.
Databáze: arXiv