Understanding Prior Bias and Choice Paralysis in Transformer-based Language Representation Models through Four Experimental Probes

Autor: Shen, Ke, Kejriwal, Mayank
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Recent work on transformer-based neural networks has led to impressive advances on multiple-choice natural language understanding (NLU) problems, such as Question Answering (QA) and abductive reasoning. Despite these advances, there is limited work still on understanding whether these models respond to perturbed multiple-choice instances in a sufficiently robust manner that would allow them to be trusted in real-world situations. We present four confusion probes, inspired by similar phenomena first identified in the behavioral science community, to test for problems such as prior bias and choice paralysis. Experimentally, we probe a widely used transformer-based multiple-choice NLU system using four established benchmark datasets. Here we show that the model exhibits significant prior bias and to a lesser, but still highly significant degree, choice paralysis, in addition to other problems. Our results suggest that stronger testing protocols and additional benchmarks may be necessary before the language models are used in front-facing systems or decision making with real world consequences.
Databáze: arXiv