From Ranked Lists to Carousels: A Carousel Click Model

Autor: Rahdari, Behnam, Kveton, Branislav, Brusilovsky, Peter
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Carousel-based recommendation interfaces allow users to explore recommended items in a structured, efficient, and visually-appealing way. This made them a de-facto standard approach to recommending items to end users in many real-life recommenders. In this work, we try to explain the efficiency of carousel recommenders using a \emph{carousel click model}, a generative model of user interaction with carousel-based recommender interfaces. We study this model both analytically and empirically. Our analytical results show that the user can examine more items in the carousel click model than in a single ranked list, due to the structured way of browsing. These results are supported by a series of experiments, where we integrate the carousel click model with a recommender based on matrix factorization. We show that the combined recommender performs well on held-out test data, and leads to higher engagement with recommendations than a traditional single ranked list.
Databáze: arXiv