Helical Luttinger liquid on the edge of a 2-dimensional topological antiferromagnet

Autor: Feng, Yang, Zhu, Jinjiang, Lin, Weiyan, Lian, Zichen, Wang, Yongchao, Li, Hao, Yao, Hongxu, He, Qiushi, Pan, Yinping, Wu, Yang, Zhang, Jinsong, Wang, Yayu, Zhou, Xiaodong, Shen, Jian, Wang, Yihua
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c02701
Popis: Boundary helical Luttinger liquid (HLL) with broken bulk time-reversal symmetry belongs to a unique topological class which may occur in antiferromagnets (AFM). Here, we search for signatures of HLL on the edge of a recently discovered topological AFM, MnBi2Te4 even-layer. Using scanning superconducting quantum interference device, we directly image helical edge current in the AFM ground state appearing at its charge neutral point. Such helical edge state accompanies an insulating bulk which is topologically distinct from the ferromagnetic Chern insulator phase as revealed in a magnetic field driven quantum phase transition. The edge conductance of the AFM order follows a power-law as a function of temperature and source-drain bias which serves as strong evidence for HLL. Such HLL scaling is robust at finite fields below the quantum critical point. The observed HLL in a layered AFM semiconductor represents a highly tunable topological matter compatible with future spintronics and quantum computation.
Databáze: arXiv