Mechanical Properties Of Fluctuating Elastic Membranes Under Uni-Axial Tension

Autor: Bahri, Mohamed El Hedi, Sarkar, Siddhartha, Košmrlj, Andrej
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Atomically thin sheets, such as graphene, are widely used in nanotechnology. Recently they have also been used in applications including kirigami and self-folding origami, where it becomes important to understand how they respond to external loads. Motivated by this, we investigate how isotropic sheets respond to uniaxial tension by employing the self-consistent screening analysis method and molecular dynamics simulations. Previously, it was shown that for freely suspended sheets thermal fluctuations effectively renormalize elastic constants, which become scale-dependent beyond a characteristic thermal length scale (a few nanometers for graphene at room temperature), beyond which the bending rigidity increases, while the in-plane elastic constants reduce with universal power law exponents. For sheets under uniaxial tension, $\sigma_{11}$, we find that beyond a stress-dependent length scale, the effective in-plane elastic constants become strongly anisotropic and scale differently along the axis of uni-axial stress and orthogonal to it. The bending rigidities on the other hand will not exhibit any anomalous behavior beyond this stress-dependent length scale. In addition, for moderate tensions we find a universal non-linear stress-strain relation. For large uni-axial tensions, the Young's modulus of the bare elastic material is recovered.
Databáze: arXiv