3D hydrodynamical survey of the impact of a companion on the morphology and dynamics of AGB outflow

Autor: Malfait, Jolien, Maes, Silke, Homan, Ward, Bolte, Jan, Siess, Lionel, De Ceuster, Frederik, Decin, Leen
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1017/S1743921322000229
Popis: With the use of high-resolution ALMA observations, complex structures that resemble those observed in post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae are detected in the circumstellar envelopes of low-mass evolved stars. These deviations from spherical symmetry are believed to be caused primarily by the interaction with a companion star or planet. With the use of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, we study the impact of a binary companion on the wind morphology and dynamics of an AGB outflow. We classifiy the wind structures and morphology that form in these simulations with the use of a classification parameter, constructed with characteristic parameters of the binary configuration. Finally we conclude that the companion alters the wind expansion velocity through the slingshot mechanism, if it is massive enough.
Comment: Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 366, 2021, The origin of outflows in evolved stars
Databáze: arXiv