Conformal Carroll Scalars with Boosts

Autor: Baiguera, Stefano, Oling, Gerben, Sybesma, Watse, Søgaard, Benjamin T.
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: SciPost Phys. 14, 086 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.14.4.086
Popis: We construct two distinct actions for scalar fields that are invariant under local Carroll boosts and Weyl transformations. Conformal Carroll field theories were recently argued to be related to the celestial holography description of asymptotically flat spacetimes. However, only few explicit examples of such theories are known, and they lack local Carroll boost symmetry on a generic curved background. We derive two types of conformal Carroll scalar actions with boost symmetry on a curved background in any dimension and compute their energy-momentum tensors, which are traceless. In the first type of theories, time derivatives dominate and spatial derivatives are suppressed. In the second type, spatial derivatives dominate, and constraints are present to ensure local boost invariance. By integrating out these constraints, we show that the spatial conformal Carroll theories can be reduced to lower-dimensional Euclidean CFTs, which is reminiscent of the embedding space construction.
Comment: 29+6 pages, two figures; v2: minor changes, added references, v3: expanded discussion of dimensional reduction, minor changes, one reference added
Databáze: arXiv