Algebraic Biochemistry: a Framework for Analog Online Computation in Cells

Autor: Hemery, Mathieu, Fages, François
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Proc. Int. Conf. Computational Methods for Systems Biology CMSB'22, Sep 2022, Bucarest, Romania
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: The Turing completeness of continuous chemical reaction networks (CRNs) states that any computable real function can be computed by a continuous CRN on a finite set of molecular species, possibly restricted to elementary reactions, i.e. with at most two reactants and mass action law kinetics. In this paper, we introduce a notion of online analog computation for the CRNs that stabilize the concentration of their output species to the result of some function of the concentration values of their input species, whatever changes are operated on the inputs during the computation. We prove that the set of real functions stabilized by a CRN with mass action law kinetics is precisely the set of real algebraic functions.
Databáze: arXiv