Constraints on key $^{17}$O($\alpha,\gamma$)$^{21}$Ne resonances and impact on the weak s-process

Autor: Williams, M., Laird, A. M., Choplin, A., Adsley, P., Davids, B., Greife, U., Hudson, K., Hutcheon, D., Lennarz, A., Ruiz, C.
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.065805
Popis: The efficiency of the slow neutron-capture process in massive stars is strongly influenced by neutron-capture reactions on light elements. At low metallicity, $^{16}$O is an important neutron absorber, but the effectiveness of $^{16}$O as a light-element neutron poison is modified by competition between subsequent $^{17}$O$(\alpha,n)^{20}$Ne and $^{17}$O$(\alpha,\gamma)^{21}$Ne reactions. The strengths of key $^{17}$O$(\alpha,\gamma)^{21}$Ne resonances within the Gamow window for core helium burning in massive stars are not well constrained by experiment. This work presents more precise measurements of resonances in the energy range $E_{c.m.} = 612 - 1319$ keV. We extract resonance strengths of $\omega\gamma_{638} = 4.85\pm0.79$ $\mu$eV, $\omega\gamma_{721} = 13.0^{+3.3}_{-2.4}$ $\mu$eV, $\omega\gamma_{814} = 7.72\pm0.55$ meV and $\omega\gamma_{1318} = 136\pm 13$ meV, for resonances at $E_{c.m.} =$ 638, 721, 814 and 1318 keV, respectively. We also report an upper limit for the 612 keV resonance of $\omega\gamma<140$ neV ($95\%$ c.l.), which effectively rules out any significant contribution from this resonance to the reaction rate. From this work, a new $^{17}$O$(\alpha,\gamma)^{21}$Ne thermonuclear reaction rate is calculated and compared to the literature. The effect of present uncertainties in the $^{17}$O$(\alpha,\gamma)^{21}$Ne reaction rate on weak s-process yields are then explored using post-processing calculations based on a rotating $20M_{\odot}$ low-metallicity massive star. The resulting $^{17}$O$(\alpha,\gamma)^{21}$Ne reaction rate is lower with respect to the pre-existing literature and found to enhance weak s-process yields in rotating massive star models.
Comment: Accepted in Physical Review C
Databáze: arXiv