An Optimization-based Algorithm for Non-stationary Kernel Bandits without Prior Knowledge

Autor: Hong, Kihyuk, Li, Yuhang, Tewari, Ambuj
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We propose an algorithm for non-stationary kernel bandits that does not require prior knowledge of the degree of non-stationarity. The algorithm follows randomized strategies obtained by solving optimization problems that balance exploration and exploitation. It adapts to non-stationarity by restarting when a change in the reward function is detected. Our algorithm enjoys a tighter dynamic regret bound than previous work on the non-stationary kernel bandit setting. Moreover, when applied to the non-stationary linear bandit setting by using a linear kernel, our algorithm is nearly minimax optimal, solving an open problem in the non-stationary linear bandit literature. We extend our algorithm to use a neural network for dynamically adapting the feature mapping to observed data. We prove a dynamic regret bound of the extension using the neural tangent kernel theory. We demonstrate empirically that our algorithm and the extension can adapt to varying degrees of non-stationarity.
Databáze: arXiv