Reconstructing the full modal structure of photonic states by stimulated emission tomography

Autor: Keller, Arne, Khoury, Antonio Zelaquett, Fabre, Nicolas, Amanti, Maria Inès, Baboux, Florent, Ducci, Sara, Milman, Pérola
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.063709
Popis: Stimulated emission tomography is a powerful and successful technique to both improve the resolution and experimentally simplify the task of determining the modal properties of biphotons. In the present manuscript we provide a theoretical description of SET valid for any quadratic coupling regime between a non-linear medium and pump fields generating photons by pairs. We use our results to obtain not only information about the associated modal function modulus but also its phase, for any mode, and we discuss the specific case of time-frequency variables as well as the quantities and limitations involved in the measurement resolution.
Databáze: arXiv