The ALMA REBELS Survey. Epoch of Reionization giants: properties of dusty galaxies at $z \approx 7$

Autor: Ferrara, A., Sommovigo, L., Dayal, P., Pallottini, A., Bouwens, R. J., Gonzalez, V., Inami, H., Smit, R., Bowler, R. A. A., Endsley, R., Oesch, P., Schouws, S., Stark, D., Stefanon, M., Aravena, M., da Cunha, E., De Looze, I., Fudamoto, Y., Graziani, L., Hodge, J., Riechers, D., Schneider, R., Algera, H. S. B., Barrufet, L., Hygate, A. P. S., Labbe, I., Li, C., Nanayakkara, T., Topping, M., van der Werf, P.
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac460
Popis: We analyse FIR dust continuum measurements for 14 galaxies ($z\approx 7$) in the ALMA REBELS LP to derive their physical properties. Our model uses three input data: (a) the UV spectral slope, $\beta$, (b) the observed UV continuum flux at $1500$A, $F_{\rm UV}$, (c) the observed continuum flux at $\approx 158\mu$m, $F_{158}$, and considers Milky Way (MW) and SMC extinction curves, along with different dust geometries. We find that REBELS galaxies have (28-90.5)% of their star formation obscured; the total (UV+IR) star formation rates are in the range $31.5 < {\rm SFR}/ (M_\odot {\rm yr}^{-1}) < 129.5$. The sample-averaged dust mass and temperature are $(1.3\pm 1.1)\times 10^7 M_\odot$ and $52 \pm 11$ K, respectively. In some galaxies dust is abundant (REBELS-14, $M'_d \approx 3.4 \times 10^7 M_\odot$), or hot (REBELS-18, $T'_d \approx 67$ K). The dust distribution is compact ($<0.3$ kpc for 70% of the galaxies). The dust yield per supernova is $0.1 \le y_d/M_\odot \le 3.3$, with 70% of the galaxies requiring $y_d < 0.25 M_\odot$. Three galaxies (REBELS-12, 14, 39) require $y_d > 1 M_\odot$. With the SFR predicted by the model and a MW extinction curve, REBELS galaxies detected in [CII] nicely follow the local $L_{\rm CII}-$SFR relation, and are approximately located on the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. The sample-averaged gas depletion time is of $0.11\, y_P^{-2}$ Gyr, where $y_P$ is the ratio of the gas-to-stellar distribution radius. For some systems a solution simultaneously matching the observed ($\beta, F_{\rm UV}, F_{158}$) values cannot be found. This occurs when the index $I_m = (F_{158}/F_{\rm UV})/(\beta-\beta_{\rm int})$, where $\beta_{\rm int}$ is the intrinsic UV slope, exceeds $I_m^*\approx 1120$ for a MW curve. For these objects we argue that the FIR and UV emitting regions are not co-spatial, questioning the use of the IRX-$\beta$ relation.
Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRAS. Comments welcome
Databáze: arXiv