Online Bayesian Recommendation with No Regret

Autor: Feng, Yiding, Tang, Wei, Xu, Haifeng
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We introduce and study the online Bayesian recommendation problem for a platform, who can observe a utility-relevant state of a product, repeatedly interacting with a population of myopic users through an online recommendation mechanism. This paradigm is common in a wide range of scenarios in the current Internet economy. For each user with her own private preference and belief, the platform commits to a recommendation strategy to utilize his information advantage on the product state to persuade the self-interested user to follow the recommendation. The platform does not know user's preferences and beliefs, and has to use an adaptive recommendation strategy to persuade with gradually learning user's preferences and beliefs in the process. We aim to design online learning policies with no Stackelberg regret for the platform, i.e., against the optimum policy in hindsight under the assumption that users will correspondingly adapt their behaviors to the benchmark policy. Our first result is an online policy that achieves double logarithm regret dependence on the number of rounds. We then present a hardness result showing that no adaptive online policy can achieve regret with better dependency on the number of rounds. Finally, by formulating the platform's problem as optimizing a linear program with membership oracle access, we present our second online policy that achieves regret with polynomial dependence on the number of states but logarithm dependence on the number of rounds.
Databáze: arXiv