Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism in NdNiO$_2$ and CaCuO$_2$: A Cluster DMFT Study

Autor: Karp, Jonathan, Hampel, Alexander, Millis, Andrew J.
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205131
Popis: We perform a comparative $2 \times 2$ real space cluster DMFT study on minimal models for NdNiO$_2$ and CaCuO$_2$ obtained from downfolding DFT states, using a Nambu formalism that allows for both superconducting and antiferromagnetic order. We produce a phase diagram in temperature and doping. We find that for the nickelate, like the cuprate, the stoichiometric compound is antiferromagnetic. We find superconductivity in a doping range bounded, with a small coexistence region, by the onset of antiferromagnetism at low doping and with transition temperature becoming immeasurably small at high doping. Superconductivity emerges at around the same hole doping for both compounds, but requires a larger deviation from half filling for the nickelate. Both antiferromagnetic and superconducting order lead to a partial gapping of the $d_{x^2-y^2}$ Fermi surface sheet. Our similar results for the cuprate and nickelate suggest that nickelate superconductivity is cupratelike. We compare our results to the experimental phase diagram.
Databáze: arXiv