On Planar Holomorphic Systems

Autor: Gouveia, L. F. S., Rondón, G., da Silva, P. R.
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Planar holomorphic systems $\dot{x}=u(x,y)$, $\dot{y}=v(x,y)$ are those that $u=\operatorname{Re}(f)$ and $v=\operatorname{Im}(f)$ for some holomorphic function $f(z)$. They have important dynamical properties, highlighting, for example, the fact that they do not have limit cycles and that center-focus problem is trivial. In particular, the hypothesis that a polynomial system is holomorphic reduces the number of parameters of the system. Although a polynomial system of degree $n$ depends on $n^2 +3n+2$ parameters, a polynomial holomorphic depends only on $2n + 2$ parameters. In this work, in addition to making a general overview of the theory of holomorphic systems, we classify all the possible global phase portraits, on the Poincar\'{e} disk, of systems $\dot{z}=f(z)$ and $\dot{z}=1/f(z)$, where $f(z)$ is a polynomial of degree $2$, $3$ and $4$ in the variable $z\in \mathbb{C}$. We also classify all the possible global phase portraits of Moebius systems $\dot{z}=\frac{Az+B}{Cz+D}$, where $A,B,C,D\in\mathbb{C}, AD-BC\neq0$. Finally, we obtain explicit expressions of first integrals of holomorphic systems and of conjugated holomorphic systems, which have important applications in the study of fluid dynamics.
Databáze: arXiv