Optical synthesis by spectral translation

Autor: Black, Jennifer A., Newman, Zachary L., Yu, Su-Peng, Carlson, David R., Papp, Scott B.
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Optical-frequency synthesizers are lasers stabilized and programmed from a microwave clock for applications, especially in fundamental measurements and spectroscopy, optical-communication links, and precision sensing of numerous physical effects. In a synthesizer, a frequency comb provides a reference grid across a broad spectrum and a frequency-tunable laser accomplishes synthesis by phase-lock to the comb. Optical synthesizers have matured to chip-scale with integrated photonics, however, the tunable laser and frequency comb fundamentally constrain the tuning range. Here, we present an optical synthesizer based on four-wave mixing (FWM) spectral translation of a tunable laser and a frequency comb. We implement both the spectral translation and the frequency comb by use of advanced microresonators. The intrinsic energy conservation of FWM ensures deterministic optical synthesis, and it allows a nearly arbitrary frequency tuning range by the dependence of resonant FWM on group-velocity dispersion, temperature, and tunable laser frequency. Moreover, we take advantage of highly efficient parametric amplification associated with spectral translation. We operate spectral translation across output ranges up to 200 THz, and we characterize it through ultraprecise optical-frequency metrology, demonstrating <0.1 Hz absolute accuracy and a fractional frequency precision of 4.7x10^(-13) in 1 s measurements. Our experiments introduce integrated-nonlinear-photonic circuits that enable complex intrinsic functionalities, such as our approach to optical-frequency synthesis with nearly limitless bandwidth.
Databáze: arXiv