Aspects of entanglement in non-local field theories with fractional Laplacian

Autor: Roy, Pratim
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2022)101
Popis: In recent years, various aspects of theoretical models with long range interactions have attracted attention, ranging from out-of-time-ordered correlators to entanglement. In the present paper, entanglement properties of a simple non-local model with long-range interactions in the form of a fractional Laplacian is investigated in both static and a quantum quench scenario. Logarithmic negativity, which is a measure for entanglement in mixed states is calculated numerically. In the static case, it is shown that the presence of long-range interaction ensures that logarithmic negativity decays much slower with distance compared to short-range models. For a sudden quantum quench, the temporal evolution of the logarithmic negativity reveals that, in contrast to short-range models, logarithmic negativity exhibits no revivals for long-range interactions for the time intervals considered. To further support this result, a simpler measure of entanglement, namely the entanglement entropy is also studied for this class of models.
Comment: 21 pages
Databáze: arXiv