Wall-crossing for iterated Hilbert schemes (or 'Hilb of Hilb')

Autor: Wormleighton, Ben
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study wall-crossing phenomena in the McKay correspondence. Craw-Ishii show that every projective crepant resolution of a Gorenstein abelian quotient singularity arises as a moduli space of $\theta$-stable representations of the McKay quiver. The stability condition $\theta$ moves in a vector space with a chamber decomposition in which (some) wall-crossings capture flops between different crepant resolutions. We investigate where chambers for certain resolutions with Hilbert scheme-like moduli interpretations - iterated Hilbert schemes, or 'Hilb of Hilb' - sit relative to the principal chamber defining the usual $G$-Hilbert scheme. We survey relevant aspects of wall-crossing, pose our main conjecture, prove it for some examples and special cases, and discuss connections to other parts of the McKay correspondence.
Comment: Written for proceedings of the conference 'The McKay Correspondence, Mutations, and Related Topics' hosted by IPMU in July 2020; 9 pages, 5 figures; comments welcome!
Databáze: arXiv