Spin-voltage-driven efficient terahertz spin currents from the magnetic Weyl semimetals Co$_2$MnGa and Co$_2$MnAl

Autor: Bierhance, Genaro, Markou, Anastasios, Gueckstock, Oliver, Rouzegar, Reza, Behovits, Yannic, Chekhov, Alexander, Wolf, Martin, Seifert, Tom S., Felser, Claudia, Kampfrath, Tobias
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1063/5.0080308
Popis: Magnetic Weyl semimetals are an emerging material class that combines magnetic order and a topologically non-trivial band structure. Here, we study ultrafast optically driven spin injection from thin films of the magnetic Weyl semimetals Co$_2$MnGa and Co$_2$MnAl into an adjacent Pt layer by means of terahertz emission spectroscopy. We find that (i) Co$_2$MnGa and Co$_2$MnAl are efficient terahertz spin-current generators reaching efficiencies of typical 3d-transition-metal ferromagnets such as Fe. (ii) The relaxation of the spin current provides an estimate of the electron-spin relaxation time of Co$_2$MnGa (165 fs) and Co$_2$MnAl (102 fs), which is comparable to Fe (92 fs). Both observations are consistent with a simple analytical model and highlight the large potential of magnetic Weyl semimetals as spin-current sources in terahertz spintronic devices. Finally, our results provide a strategy to identify magnetic materials that provide maximum spin current amplitudes for a given deposited optical energy density.
Databáze: arXiv