A theoretical and numerical analysis of a Dirichlet-Neumann domain decomposition method for diffusion problems in heterogeneous media

Autor: Viguerie, Alex, Bertoluzza, Silvia, Veneziani, Alessandro, Auricchio, Ferdinando
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Problems with localized nonhomogeneous material properties present well-known challenges for numerical simulations. In particular, such problems may feature large differences in length scales, causing difficulties with meshing and preconditioning. These difficulties are increased if the region of localized dynamics changes in time. Overlapping domain decomposition methods, which split the problem at the continuous level, show promise due to their ease of implementation and computational efficiency. Accordingly, the present work aims to further develop the mathematical theory of such methods at both the continuous and discrete levels. For the continuous formulation of the problem, we provide a full convergence analysis. For the discrete problem, we show how the described method may be interpreted as a Gauss-Seidel scheme or as a Neumann series approximation, establishing a convergence criterion in terms of the spectral radius of the system. We then provide a spectral scaling argument and provide numerical evidence for its justification.
Databáze: arXiv