Spectroscopy of the Proposed White Dwarf Pulsar ASASSN-V J205543.90+240033.5

Autor: Wagner, R. Mark, Garnavich, Peter, Thorstensen, John R., Littlefield, Colin, Szkody, Paula
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We obtained spectra of ASASSN-V J205543.90+240033.5 (J2055), a system that shows photometric variations similar to the white dwarf (WD) pulsar AR Scorpii (Kato et al. arXiv:2109.03979). Our spectra display a continuum rising steeply toward the blue as well as an array of emission lines. Resolved Balmer and Paschen lines are seen with H$\alpha$ and H$\beta$ having central absorption features. The strongest lines are unresolved CII, CIII, and NIII as well as doubly ionized helium. The spectra are similar to that of YY Hya (Kimeswenger et al. arXiv:2110.03935), and suggest that J2055 is a post-common envelope binary consisting of a hot compact star irradiating the face of a secondary of unknown spectral type. Velocity variations detected from the emission lines confirm the binary nature of J2055. The origin of the 10 minute photometric variation remains uncertain.
Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, submitted to RNAAS
Databáze: arXiv