Nonlinear effects of instantaneous and delayed state dependence in a delayed feedback loop

Autor: Humphries, Antony R., Krauskopf, Bernd, Ruschel, Stefan, Sieber, Jan
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2022042
Popis: We study a scalar, first-order delay differential equation (DDE) with instantaneous and state-dependent delayed feedback, which itself may be delayed. The state dependence introduces nonlinearity into an otherwise linear system. We investigate the ensuing nonlinear dynamics with the case of instantaneous state dependence as our starting point. We present the bifurcation diagram in the parameter plane of the two feedback strengths showing how periodic orbits bifurcate from a curve of Hopf bifurcations and disappear along a curve where both period and amplitude grow beyond bound as the orbits become saw-tooth shaped. We then `switch on' the delay within the state-dependent feedback term, reflected by a parameter $b>0$. Our main conclusion is that the new parameter $b$ has an immediate effect: as soon as $b>0$ the bifurcation diagram for $b=0$ changes qualitatively and, specifically, the nature of the limiting saw-tooth shaped periodic orbits changes. Moreover, we show $-$ numerically and through center manifold analysis $-$ that a degeneracy at $b=1/3$ of an equilibrium with a double real eigenvalue zero leads to a further qualitative change and acts as an organizing center for the bifurcation diagram. Our results demonstrate that state dependence in delayed feedback terms may give rise to new dynamics and, moreover, that the observed dynamics may change significantly when the state-dependent feedback depends on past states of the system. This is expected to have implications for models arising in different application contexts, such as models of human balancing and conceptual climate models of delayed action oscillator type.
Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures
Databáze: arXiv