Point vortex dynamics in three-dimensional ageostrophic balanced flows

Autor: Weiss, Jeffrey B.
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 936, A19 (2022)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2022.55
Popis: Geophysical turbulent flows, characterized by rapid rotation, quantified by small Rossby number, and stable stratification, often self-organize into a collection of coherent vortices, referred to as a vortex gas. The lowest order asymptotic expansion in Rossby number is quasigeostrophy which has purely horizontal velocities and cyclone-anticylone antisymmetry. Ageostrophic effects are important components of many geophysical flows and, as such, these phenomena are not well-modeled by quasigeostrophy. The next order correction in Rossby number, which includes ageostrohpic affects, is so-called balanced dynamics. Balanced dynamics includes ageostrophic vertical velocity and breaks the geostrophic cyclone-anticylone antisymmetry. Point vortex solutions are well known in 2d and quasigeostrophic dynamics and are useful for studying the vortex gas regime of geophysical turbulence. Here we find point vortex solutions in fully three dimensional continuously stratified $QG^{+1}$ dynamics, a particular formulation of balanced dynamics. Simulations of $QG^{+1}$ point vortices show several interesting features not captured by quasigeostrophic point vortices including significant vertical transport on long timescales. The ageostrophic component of $QG^{+1}$ point vortex dynamics renders them useful in modeling flows where quasigeostrophy filters out important physical processes.
Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, in press in Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Databáze: arXiv