Geometric theory of non-regular separation of variables and the bi-Helmholtz equation

Autor: Chanu, Claudia M, Jayyusi, Basel, McLenaghan, Raymond G
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1142/S0219887821502285
Popis: The geometric theory of additive separation of variables is applied to the search for multiplicative separated solutions of the bi-Helmholtz equation. It is shown that the equation does not admit regular separation in any coordinate system in any pseudo-Riemannian space. The equation is studied in the four coordinate systems in the Euclidean plane where the Helmholtz equation and hence the bi-Helmholtz equation is separable. It is shown that the bi-Helmoltz equation admits non-trivial non-regular separation in both Cartesian and polar coordinates, while it possesses only trivial separability in parabolic and elliptic-hyperbolic coordinates. The results are applied to the study of small vibrations of a thin solid circular plate of uniform density which is governed by the bi-Helmholtz equation.
Comment: 25 pages
Databáze: arXiv