Sparse Brudnyi and John-Nirenberg Spaces

Autor: Domínguez, Óscar, Milman, Mario
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: A generalization of the theory of Y. Brudnyi \cite{yuri}, and A. and Y. Brudnyi \cite{BB20a}, \cite{BB20b}, is presented. Our construction connects Brudnyi's theory, which relies on local polynomial approximation, with new results on sparse domination. In particular, we find an analogue of the maximal theorem for the fractional maximal function, solving a problem proposed by Kruglyak--Kuznetsov. Our spaces shed light on the structure of the John--Nirenberg spaces. We show that $SJN_{p}$ (sparse John--Nirenberg space) coincides with $L^{p},1Comment: 12 pages
Databáze: arXiv