Rearrangement of electron shells and interchannel interaction in the K photoabsorption of Ne

Autor: Novikovskiy, N. M., Rezvan, D. V., Ivanov, N. M., Petrov, I. D., Lagutin, B. M., Knie, A., Ehresmann, A., Demekhin, Ph. V., Sukhorukov, V. L.
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Eur. Phys. J. D, (2019), 73: 22
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2018-90539-2
Popis: A detailed theoretical analysis of the 1s photoionization of neon is presented. It is found that the most significant many-electron correlation in computing photoionization of inner shells is the rearrangement of the outer shells caused by the inner vacancy. Further noticeable effects are: (i) the polarization of the ion core by the outgoing photoelectron and (ii) the coherent effect of double excitation/ionization. The core polarization increases the photoionization cross section by about 10% at the 1s threshold, and the coherent excitation results in further increases by about 5%. Incoherent excitation of the satellite channel leads to an additional 10% increase in the photoabsorption cross section in the double-ionization threshold region.
Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 22 bibliography
Databáze: arXiv