Synthesis of Frame Field-Aligned Multi-Laminar Structures

Autor: Stutz, Florian Cyril, Olsen, Tim Felle, Groen, Jeroen Peter, Aage, Niels, Sigmund, Ole, Solomon, Justin, Bærentzen, Jakob Andreas
Rok vydání: 2021
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1145/3516522
Popis: In the field of topology optimization, the homogenization approach has been revived as an important alternative to the established, density-based methods because it can represent the microstructural design at a much finer length-scale than the computational grid. The optimal microstructure for a single load case is an orthogonal rank-3 laminate. A rank-3 laminate can be described in terms of frame fields, which are also an important tool for mesh generation in both 2D and 3D. We propose a method for generating multi-laminar structures from frame fields. Rather than relying on integrative approaches that find a parametrization based on the frame field, we find stream surfaces, represented as point clouds aligned with frame vectors, and we solve an optimization problem to find well-spaced collections of such stream surfaces. The stream surface tracing is unaffected by the presence of singularities outside the region of interest. Neither stream surface tracing nor selecting well-spaced surface rely on combed frame fields. In addition to stream surface tracing and selection, we provide two methods for generating structures from stream surface collections. One of these methods produces volumetric solids by summing basis functions associated with each point of the stream surface collection. The other method reinterprets point sampled stream surfaces as a spatial twist continuum and produces a hexahedralization by dualizing a graph representing the structure. We demonstrate our methods on several frame fields produced using the homogenization approach for topology optimization, boundary-aligned, algebraic frame fields, and frame fields computed from closed-form expressions.
Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures
Databáze: arXiv