Five loop renormalization of $\phi^3$ theory with applications to the Lee-Yang edge singularity and percolation theory

Autor: Borinsky, M., Gracey, J. A., Kompaniets, M. V., Schnetz, O.
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Phys. Rev. D 103, 116024 (2021)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.116024
Popis: We apply the method of graphical functions that was recently extended to six dimensions for scalar theories, to $\phi^3$ theory and compute the $\beta$ function, the wave function anomalous dimension as well as the mass anomalous dimension in the $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$ scheme to five loops. From the results we derive the corresponding renormalization group functions for the Lee-Yang edge singularity problem and percolation theory. After determining the $\varepsilon$ expansions of the respective critical exponents to $\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^5)$ we apply recent resummation technology to obtain improved exponent estimates in 3, 4 and 5 dimensions. These compare favourably with estimates from fixed dimension numerical techniques and refine the four loop results. To assist with this comparison we collated a substantial amount of data from numerical techniques which are included in tables for each exponent.
Comment: 54 pages, 15 figures; v2: additional summary tables and references added - version to be published in PRD
Databáze: arXiv