Analysis of a 3-RUU Parallel Manipulator

Autor: Stigger, Thomas, Siegele, Johannes, Scharler, Daniel F., Pfurner, Martin, Husty, Manfred L.
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume 136, June 2019, Pages 256-268
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2019.03.011
Popis: The aim of this paper is to give a detailed examination of the input and output singularities of a 3-RUU parallel manipulator in the translational operation mode. This task is achieved by using algebraic constraint equations. For this type of manipulator a complete workspace representation in Study coordinates is presented after elimination of the input parameters. Both, input and output singularities are mapped into a Study subspace as well as into the joint space. Therewith a detailed singularity investigation of the translational operation mode of a 3-RUU parallel manipulator is provided. This paper is an extended version of a previous publication. The addendum comprises the discovery of a possible transition between two operation modes as well as a self motion and an examination of another component of the output singularity surface, most of them for arbitrary design parameters.
Databáze: arXiv