Stability for UMAP

Autor: Jardine, J. F.
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: This paper displays the Healy-McInnes UMAP construction $V(X,N)$ as an iterated pushout of Vietoris-Rips objects associated to extended pseudo metric spaces (ep-metric spaces) defined by choices of neighbourhoods of the elements of a finite set $X$. An inclusion $X \subset Y$ in another finite set defines a map of UMAP systems $V(X,N) \to V(Y,N')$ in the presence of a compatible system of neighbourhoods $N'$ for $Y$. There is also an induced map of ep-metric spaces $(X,D) \to (Y,D')$, where $D$ and $D'$ are colimits (global averages) of the metrics defined by the neighbourhood systems for $X$ and $Y$. We prove a stablity result for the restriction of this ep-metric space map to global components. This stability result translates, via excision for path components, to a stability result for global components of the UMAP systems.
Comment: 13 pages
Databáze: arXiv