The GRAVITY young stellar object survey III. The dusty disk of RY Lup

Autor: GRAVITY Collaboration, Bouarour, Y. -I., Perraut, K., Ménard, F., Brandner, W., Garatti, A. Caratti o, Caselli, P., van Dishoeck, E., Dougados, C., Garcia-Lopez, R., Grellmann, R., Henning, T., Klarmann, L., Labadie, L., Natta, A., Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Thi, W. -F., de Zeeuw, P. T., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Benisty, M., Berger, J. -P., Clenet, Y., Foresto, V. Coudé du, Duvert, G., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Eupen, F., Filho, M., Gao, F., Garcia, P., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jocou, L., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Hubert, Z., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Bouquin, J. -B. Le, Léna, P., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rousset, G., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Stadler, J., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Vincent, F. H., von Fellenberg, S. D., Widmann, F., Wiest, M.
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: A&A 642, A162 (2020)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202038249
Popis: We use PIONIER data from the ESO archive and GRAVITY data that were obtained in June 2017 with the four 8m telescopes. We use a parametric disk model and the 3D radiative transfer code MCFOST to reproduce the Spectral Energy Distribution and match the interferometric observations. To match the SED , our model requires a stellar luminosity of 2.5 Lsun, higher than any previously determined values. Such a high value is needed to accommodate the circumstellar extinction caused by the highly inclined disk, which has been neglected in previous studies. While using an effective temperature of 4800 K determined through high-resolution spectroscopy, we derive a stellar radius of 2.29 Rsun. These revised fundamental parameters, when combined with the mass estimates available , lead to an age of 0.5-2.0 Ma for RY Lup, in better agreement with the age of the Lupus association than previous determinations. Our disk model nicely reproduces the interferometric GRAVITY data and is in good agreement with the PIONIER ones. We derive an inner rim location at 0.12~au from the central star. This model corresponds to an inclination of the inner disk of 50deg, which is in mild tension with previous determinations of a more inclined outer disk from SPHERE (70 deg in NIR) and ALMA(67 $\pm$5 deg) images, but consistent with the inclination determination from the ALMA CO spectra (55$\pm$5deg). Increasing the inclination of the inner disk to 70 deg leads to a higher line-of-sight extinction and therefore requires a higher stellar luminosity of 4.65 Lsun to match the observed flux levels. This luminosity would translate to a stellar radius of 3.13~Rsun, leading to an age of 2-3~Ma, and a stellar mass of about 2 Msun, in disagreement with the observed dynamical mass estimate of 1.3-1.5 Msun. Critically, this high-inclination inner disk model also fails to reproduce the visibilities observed with GRAVITY.
Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 11 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
Databáze: arXiv