Magnetically-textured superconductivity in elemental Rhenium

Autor: Csire, Gábor, Annett, James, Quintanilla, Jorge, Újfalussy, Balázs
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.L020501
Popis: Recent $\mu$SR measurements revealed remarkable signatures of spontaneous magnetism coexisting with superconductivity in elemental rhenium. Here we provide a quantitative theory that uncovers the nature of the superconducting instability by incorporating every details of the electronic structure together with spin-orbit coupling and multi-orbital physics. We show that conventional $s$-wave superconductivity combined with strong spin-orbit coupling is inducing even-parity odd-orbital spin triplet Cooper pairs, and in presence of a screw axis Cooper pairs' migration between the induced equal-spin triplet component leads to an exotic magnetic state.
Databáze: arXiv