The AARTFAAC 60 MHz transients survey

Autor: Kuiack, Mark, Wijers, Ralph A. M. J., Shulevski, Aleksandar, Rowlinson, Antonia, Huizinga, Folkert, Molenaar, Gijs, Prasad, Peeyush
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1504
Popis: We report the experimental setup and overall results of the AARTFAAC wide-field radio survey, which consists of observing the sky within 50$^\circ$ of Zenith, with a bandwidth of 3.2$\,$MHz, at a cadence of 1$\,$s, for 545$\,$h. This yielded nearly 4 million snapshots, two per second, of on average 4800 square degrees and a sensitivity of around 60$\,$Jy. We find two populations of transient events, one originating from PSR$\,$B0950$+$08 and one from strong ionospheric lensing events, as well as a single strong candidate for an extragalactic transient, with a peak flux density of $80\pm30$$\,$Jy and a dispersion measure of $73\pm3\,\mathrm{~pc~cm^{-3}}$, We also set a strong upper limit of 1.1 all-sky per day to the rate of any other populations of fast, bright transients. Lastly, we constrain some previously detected types of transient sources by comparing our detections and limits with other low-frequency radio transient surveys.
Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Published by MNRAS
Databáze: arXiv