Collisionless tangential discontinuity between pair plasma and electron-proton plasma

Autor: Dieckmann, Mark Eric
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1063/1.5129520
Popis: We study with a one-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation the expansion of a pair cloud into a magnetized electron-proton plasma as well as the formation and subsequent propagation of a tangential discontinuity that separates both plasmas. Its propagation speed takes the value that balances the magnetic pressure of the discontinuity against the thermal pressure of the pair cloud and the ram pressure of the protons. Protons are accelerated by the discontinuity to a speed that exceeds the fast magnetosonic speed by the factor 10. A supercritical fast magnetosonic shock forms at the front of this beam. An increasing proton temperature downstream of the shock and ahead of the discontinuity leaves the latter intact. We create the discontinuity by injecting a pair cloud at a simulation boundary into a uniform electron-proton plasma, which is permeated by a perpendicular magnetic field. Collisionless tangential discontinuities in the relativistic pair jets of X-ray binaries (microquasars) are in permanent contact with the relativistic leptons of its inner cocoon and they become sources of radio synchrotron emissions.
Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Physics of Plasmas
Databáze: arXiv