(1+1)-d U(1) Quantum link models from effective Hamiltonians of dipolar molecules

Autor: Shen, Jiayu, Luo, Di, Highman, Michael, Clark, Bryan K., DeMarco, Brian, El-Khadra, Aida X., Gadway, Bryce
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: PoS(LATTICE2019)125
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: We study the promising idea of using dipolar molecular systems as analog quantum simulators for quantum link models, which are discrete versions of lattice gauge theories. In a quantum link model the link variables have a finite number of degrees of freedom and discrete values. We construct the effective Hamiltonian of a system of dipolar molecules with electric dipole-dipole interactions, where we use the tunable parameters of the system to match it to the target Hamiltonian describing a U(1) quantum link model in 1+1 dimensions.
Comment: Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - Lattice 2019, Wuhan (China)
Databáze: arXiv