Walk-off controlled self-starting frequency combs in $\chi^{(2)}$ optical microresonators

Autor: Smirnov, Sergey, Sturman, Boris, Podivilov, Evgeny, Breunig, Ingo
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1364/OE.395360
Popis: Investigations of frequency combs in $\chi^{(3)}$ optical microresonators are burgeoning nowadays. Changeover to $\chi^{(2)}$ resonators promises further advances and brings new challenges. Here, the comb generation entails not only coupled first and second harmonics (FHs and SHs) and two dispersion coefficients, but also a substantial difference in the group velocities - the spatial walk-off. We predict walk-off controlled highly stable comb generation, drastically different from that known in the $\chi^{(3)}$ case. This includes the general notion of antiperiodic state, formation of coherent antiperiodic steady states (solitons), where the FH and SH envelopes move with a common velocity without shape changes, characterization of the family of antiperiodic steady states, and the dependence of comb spectra on the pump power and the group velocity difference.
Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures
Databáze: arXiv