Extended Experimental Inferential Structure Determination Method for Evaluating the Structural Ensembles of Disordered Protein States

Autor: Lincoff, James, Krzeminski, Mickael, Haghighatlari, Mojtaba, Teixeira, João M. C., Gomes, Gregory-Neal W., Gradinaru, Claudiu C., Forman-Kay, Julie D., Head-Gordon, Teresa
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
Popis: Characterization of proteins with intrinsic or unfolded state disorder comprises a new frontier in structural biology, requiring the characterization of diverse and dynamic structural ensembles. We introduce a comprehensive Bayesian framework, the Extended Experimental Inferential Structure Determination (X-EISD) method, that calculates the maximum log-likelihood of a protein structural ensemble by accounting for the uncertainties of a wide range of experimental data and back-calculation models from structures, including NMR chemical shifts, J-couplings, Nuclear Overhauser Effects, paramagnetic relaxation enhancements, residual dipolar couplings, and hydrodynamic radii, single molecule fluorescence F\"orster resonance energy transfer efficiencies and small angle X-ray scattering intensity curves. We apply X-EISD to the drkN SH3 unfolded state domain and show that certain experimental data types are more influential than others for both eliminating structural ensemble models, while also finding equally probable disordered ensembles that have alternative structural properties that will stimulate further experiments to discriminate between them.
Databáze: arXiv