ARISE: A granular matter experiment on the International Space Station

Autor: Steinpilz, Tobias, Musiolik, Grzegorz, Kruss, Maximilian, Jungmann, Felix, Demirci, Tunahan, Aderholz, Manfred, Kollmer, Jonathan E., Teiser, Jens, Bila, Tetyana, Guay, Evelyn, Wurm, Gerhard
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Review of Scientific Instruments, 90:10 (2019)
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1063/1.5095213
Popis: We developed an experiment to study different aspects of granular matter under microgravity. The 1.5U small experiment was carried out on the International Space Station. About 3500 almost identical spherical glass particles with 856 um diameter were placed in a container of 50*50 mm cross section. Adjusting the height between 5 and 50 mm, the filling factor can be varied. The sample was vibrated under different frequencies and amplitudes. The majority of the data are video images of the particles motion. Here, we first give an overview of the general setup and a first qualitative account of different phenomena observed in about 700 experimental runs. These phenomena include collisional cooling, collective motion via gas-cluster coupling, and the influence of electrostatic forces on particle-particle interactions.
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Databáze: arXiv