Momentum Ray Transforms, II: Range Characterization In the Schwartz space

Autor: Krishnan, Venkateswaran P., Manna, Ramesh, Sahoo, Suman Kumar, Sharafutdinov, Vladimir A.
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: Working Paper
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/ab6a65
Popis: The momentum ray transform $I^k$ integrates a rank $m$ symmetric tensor field $f$ over lines of ${\R}^n$ with the weight $t^k$: $ (I^k\!f)(x,\xi)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty t^k\l f(x+t\xi),\xi^m\r\,dt. $ We give the range characterization for the operator $f\mapsto(I^0\!f,I^1\!f,\dots, I^m\!f)$ on the Schwartz space of rank $m$ smooth fast decaying tensor fields. In dimensions $n\ge3$, the range is characterized by certain differential equations of order $2(m+1)$ which generalize the classical John equations. In the two-dimensional case, the range is characterized by certain integral conditions which generalize the classical Gelfand -- Helgason -- Ludwig conditions.
Databáze: arXiv